Monday, May 22, 2023

5th Grade Party at Hawaiian Falls

A few years ago, during Covid, a few of our 5th grade parents rented a local waterpark for all of the students who were graduating all of the elementary schools who feed into our high school. Made sense back then when there were lots of restrictions & they were trying to plan a party outside. However, it was so much fun we have kept up the tradition! The room moms at our school organized it again for this year & we all got together last week to kick off their last week of elementary school:

This is the carpool I drove full of some anxious girls in matching bathing suits! The weather was a little cool for May but at least it was sunny:

I think we ended up having 5 elementary schools participate but they are all on our side of town so we knew a ton of kids there. Even better than knowing everyone, it was less crowded than usual so the kids had a blast running around & riding all of the slides:

They even had a dinner buffet included:

The moms had fun sitting in the cabana & visiting while the kids ran around with their friends:

We had the best night & it was such a fun way to kick off their big week! I am already looking forward to doing this again with Sophie's class in 2 years!

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