Tuesday, May 23, 2023

3rd Grade Celebration of Learning - Sophie

Last week was BUSY so I am slowly catching up with a new blog every day this week! Last Wednesday morning, we went to the school bright & early for Sophie's celebration of learning for 3rd grade:

Every student gets to vote for an award for their classmate & her class voted her Most Organized! Which does not surprise me at all! Also, they choose an award winner for each special class & Sophie won the library award:

We were so proud of her! Sadie even got to skip class & come watch. Don't mind her outfit - they were having pajama day in 5th grade:

Afterwards we gathered outside & took pictures with some of her friends:

And how could we forget her teacher, Mrs. Sanchez?! She was amazing - literally the perfect fit for Sophie this year & probably one of our favorite teachers we have had so far:

Of course we got a lot of extra photos from our friend photographer that are too cute not to share:

Afterwards we walked around to the back of the school where we had a surprise party with literally the ENTIRE school! Our principal is leaving after 7 years & we are heart broken! We were fortunate to have her the whole time with Sadie but looks like Sophie will have her last couple of years with someone else:

I don't know how they kept this a secret, but somehow they did! Staff, teachers, students, parents - we were all there & she bawled when she saw everyone. A lot of the kids made her posters, they had music playing, balloon arches & we had perfect weather:

But my favorite part was at the end - they literally lined every single student up by class & She hugged every single one of them. It was truly touching & we are going to miss her:

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