Thursday, May 25, 2023

5th Grade Celebration of Learning - Sadie

Friday morning was our last day of school & we had their 5th grade celebration first thing! I laid out a few things to surprise Sadie when she woke up:

Let's be honest, I used to do so much more, but this year was exhausting & I feel like I barely survived the week........ and I had to get to the school at 7:15 to secure a good seat for their awards ceremony! At least I remembered to take our annual last day of school pictures:

I can't believe how old she looks! She wanted to borrow some of my jewelry & she curled her hair. Take a look at her & her bestie, Kenzie from their first day of kinder to today:

We were rushing to get out of the door & I realized I forgot to take a picture of Sophie so we had to take hers after school! But thankfully we made it to the school & we got seats on the 2nd row:

First up they gave the LAMP awards (that's what we call our specials - Library, Arts, Music & PE) & of course Sadie won the library award, just like Sophie did:

I was kind of surprised because we thought she would get the PE award like in year's past. She has broken a lot of records at Pink in PE! But I volunteer every week in the library so I am friends with our librarian & the girls do spend a lot of time in there. They only give these awards to 1 boy & 1 girl, so it's a bigger deal. Then they give out kids choice awards to every child voted by the students & Sadie got best handwriting. This time, I was not surprised - she has had the best handwriting since she could even start writing!

They showed each student's 5th grade picture & a quote they wrote about their favorite experience at Pink & after she walked across the stage I thought I was getting a picture of her hugging our principal but then I noticed that her best friend was right behind her:

After their ceremony, they had a graduation walk thru the school. They literally lined up & walked every single hallway while all of the staff & students came out to cheer for them. Of course the parents decided to buy fat heads of their kindergarten picture to surprise them - that might have been my favorite:

I was on the other side trying to video but I noticed when Sadie came by she was looking down & appeared to be crying. Some kids were smiling, running, high fiving but then I got this picture from a friend:

Poor girl was sobbing! I couldn't believe how emotional she was! She just really loves school & even though she is excited for middle school, she didn't want school to end. Eventually she calmed down & we met back up at her classroom & took pictures with everyone:

At this point, most 5th graders left school, of course I have the child who did not want to leave! So we walked around school, got several signatures in her yearbook, took a few more pictures & then I left her at school until lunchtime, while I was at Sophie's end of the year party:

I finally convinced her to leave at noon since Sophie was leaving. A few moms rented lifeguards & reserved our neighborhood pool from 12:00 - 4:00 so the 5th graders could have one last party:

We had about half of their class show up, which I thought was pretty good. At least 60 kids were there!

I literally didn't take a single picture except for this one:

That was me, chilling in the shade with the other moms because I was literally about to crash! After the party, Sadie went home with a few friends & they had a sleepover:

A few final notes about 5th grade before I wrap all of this up. First, Sadie's teacher sent me a text with this picture:

I mean, isn't that adorable?! I guess Sophie wrote it & delivered it to her on the last day of school.

 Finally, I had my last lunch with Sadie at school ever. Seriously - forever?! I mean, I have eaten lunch with her once a week since she has been in kindergarten but I'm not sure she will want me to join her at middle or high school! I made plans with a few of her friends & we surprised them with lunch & treats:

And that's a wrap - 5th grade is done & it was exhausting! I feel like I just had a senior graduate high school! She is more than prepared for middle school & we can't wait for that next chapter, after we enjoy our summer break first!

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