Friday, May 26, 2023

Last Day of 3rd Grade - Sophie

After all of Sadie's celebrations at school Friday morning, I snuck outside to watch the 3rd grade end of year party. It is a similar format for what we did for the 5th graders but much smaller & each grade only gets an hour:

They had a water slide instead of an obstacle course:

They had sno cones:

Of course one last picture with her teacher:

She was quite the opposite of Sadie & was begging to leave school at 11:45 with the rest of her friends so we finally skipped once we convinced Sadie to go with us. When we got home, we remembered to take her last day pictures since we had forgotten that morning:

She went to a friend's house and played capture the flag & had water balloons while I was at the 5th grade party:

One final note about 3rd grade before I wrap up the week - her volleyball team played in the spring end of the season tournament every night that last week of school. They kept winning every night & finally ended up playing in the championship game on Thursday night. They played their friends from school:

and these girls were victorious! They swept all of their games in 2 matches that week & won the championship! They were so excited & we were so proud of them. You can definitely see the improvement in their team & we look forward to them continuing to play this summer:

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