Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Pink Pacer Community Fun Run Spring 2023

After a several year hiatus, our school finally brought the Pink Pacer Fun Run back! And I have pictures galore to share! I was so excited I took a lot & I had a lot shared with me too. We started with the choir singing the National Anthem:

Our school's choir is for 4th & 5th grade, so this is Sadie's last year, but next year Sophie will be able to join:

Lots of pictures before the race when they were stretching, warming up & lining up at the starting line:

The race was on a Tuesday night, which happened to be day 11 of Sadie's concussion. She was cleared to moderately run & since we knew she wouldn't get hit by any balls or have any physical contact, we let her run but I told Bryan to stay with her:

I didn't get to run because I had to volunteer on the course & run the water station but imagine my surprise when one of the first runners I see turning the corner about half way through the race was these 2:

She was just like the old days & was leading the pack with her friend, Sadie with her. These girls dominated the race & came in 1st & 2nd place:

As soon as Bryan crossed the finish line with Sadie, he ran the course backwards until he found Sophie & finished the race with her. To our surprise, Sophie won 3rd place for 3rd grade:

Look how she turned it on! I was so proud of her! Her friend Sutton won 1st place so her & Sadie cheered Sophie on at the finish line as she finished strong:

Afterwards, we had lots of celebratory pictures with our friends again:

I mean seriously, I am so proud of these 2! Clearly Bryan has set a good example for them both with his love for running:

We ended the night with the awards ceremony. All 3 of my guys made the podium! First up, 3rd grade:

Followed by 5th grade:

Ending with the community members:

I couldn't end this post without making a shout out to our PE coach, Coach Mistr - he is awesome! We are truly lucky to have one of the best in the district:

We had perfect weather & a fun night - I'm so glad our school started up this annual tradition again before Sadie graduated so she could defend her title. She officially won every single year she was at Pink! 

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