Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter 2023

The girls had Friday & Monday off from school so we got to enjoy a long, Easter weekend! Sadie's soccer team was in a big tournament so I took her to their game on Friday even though she was still sidelined. She had fun sitting on the bench & being with her team even though she couldn't play:

Thankfully there were no other sports over the holiday weekend but we did go to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt that afternoon:

I had so much fun visiting that's the only picture I got. Ha! We celebrated Easter Friday night with Bryan's family. It was so great seeing everyone & our meal was delicious! And Sherry had an egg hunt for the girls:

We have a new baby in the family so the girls were SO excited to hold him:

I don't care how old the girls get, it never gets old making special brunches when we have lazy mornings. This year, I made Easter pancakes:

The girls wanted to sleep in sponge curlers so they would have curly hair for Easter morning:

They actually left a bowl full of easter eggs for the easter bunny with a note that basically said one of the eggs had candy in it for him, so he had to guess which egg it was. Ha!

They were excited to wake up this morning to a few surprises in their easter basket:

and we had an egg hunt indoors, because it was too cold outside:

Eventually we got ready & headed to Easter service. I may be biased, but I think the girls looked beautiful:

The sun eventually came out, it warmed up & we had a wonderful day together, just the 4 of us! Praise be to God for his son has risen!

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