Friday, April 7, 2023

5th Grade Field Day

You know it's the end of the school year when it's time for field day already! Normally, our field day is closer to the end of the school, but 5th grade has their own tradition that Sadie got to participate in already. Apparently, our school has had a field day competition with another elementary school that has been going on for years. They basically spend the day together doing a track meet:

They separated the races for boys & girls and their events were 50, 100, 400, hurdles & a 400 relay. All of the kids got to sign up for what they wanted & when they weren't running, they got to hang out with their friends, play ball, basically run around & play. But my favorite thing was watching the kids cheer each other on:

As you can probably tell, even though it was April, a cool front blew in so it was definitely colder than we expected, but at least there wasn't any rain! 

Sadie signed up to run the 100, 400 & the relay, however, the weekend before, Sadie took a hard hit at soccer & got a concussion. I haven't really talked about it on here yet, but we took her to the Andrews Institute at children's Hospital for their concussion clinic where she was officially diagnosed. Basically she has been sidelined for 2 weeks but he told her she could try a small run at their field day. Obviously he doesn't know her very well, because she doesn't know how to do anything leisurely. I was super hesitant about her running, but I finally gave in & let her run the 100 since it was a small distance:

She won, surprise surprise, but she got really dizzy at the end, lost her balance & collapsed in tears at the finish line. Mom's intuition that I knew it would be too much, but she had to learn for herself. After a lot of tears & some cheering on from her friends, she finally realized she had to sit the rest of the day out:

The kids had a picnic lunch outside & they ended the day with tug of war. They had a competition between each class at their own school & then the schools competed against each other. She already knew she couldn't participate in this, so she stood on the side by her teacher & cheered her class on:

Her class didn't win, but our school did & these kids couldn't have been more excited:

Despite the cold weather, it was a great day! There were a lot of parents there & it was kind of sentimental for all of us as the countdown to school is on. Only 1 more month for these 5th graders before they graduate to middle school!

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