Friday, April 7, 2023

3rd Grade Field Trip to the Frisco Railroad Museum

Just when I thought I had been almost everywhere in Frisco, I discovered somewhere I hadn't been yet - the Frisco Railroad Museum! I have actually heard about it & read about it, but the girls & I had never been there so I was excited to chaperone when Sophie's grade planned a trip. Her class started inside at:

Apparently this whole train set was donated from a local family & it was pretty amazing:

The train set was divided into different areas of Texas, New Mexico & Colorado:

The details were amazing! They sent the kids on a scavenger hunt to look for items in the different cities & states & it was pretty fun! Next up, we headed outside & learned all about steam engines, locomotives, cabooses, etc.:

I think the kids really enjoyed it & personally, I learned a lot also! It was really fun going inside the trains & seeing the commuter cars, the dining cars, even the first class suites where people had their own room & bathroom. I didn't take pictures inside the train, but the kids sure had fun playing on the railroad tracks & going inside all of the different trains they had:

Dare I say, this may have been one of my favorite field trips?! Only because I learned so much & it was somewhere I hadn't been before. So glad Sophie let me tag along!

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