Friday, March 31, 2023

Life Lately - March

Time for this month's photo dump! I already blogged about spring break & that was a big part of March, but we also had a few things going on before & after. Starting with birthdays:
Sophie celebrated with a friend at school:

Sadie went roller skating with several girls from her soccer team:

And I celebrated with my girlfriends at Canton!

A few random pictures of Sadie with friends from church, school & soccer:

Sophie started spring soccer so she is playing also:

They still meet monthly for girl scouts & this month they had 2 police officers come talk to them & they let them check out their patrol car:

Last but not least, open house. Our school hosted their annual open house & Sadie could not come but Sophie was so proud to show off her work:

We are quickly on the countdown to summer now that it is April! Only one more month of school left & we are ready for warmer days, less school work & after school activities!

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