Friday, March 3, 2023

Winter Basketball

A few weeks ago the girls finished their winter basketball season. Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures & waited to post because I was hoping I would get a few more from friends but I haven't, so here it is! Sophie continued playing for the Shooting Stars with her friends from school & her Dad coaching:

That is literally the only action shot I got was her doing the tip off! Their team has been together for a while, but unfortunately, they aren't the greatest. In fact, I don't know if there has been much improvement through the years, but she loves it! And we have friends on several teams so that always makes it fun also:

The end of the season tournament fell on a holiday weekend so I think that's why we don't have a team picture - we had several girls out of town & the season just kind of ended. We didn't even have a team party but thankfully I got a picture of Sophie with Bryan at least:

Sadie liked going to her games because she would play with the younger siblings or she got to be a scorekeeper:

On the flip side, Sophie does not enjoy going to Sadie's games because she plays more often. Here is Hollywood now cheering with Bryan on the sideline:

Sadie joined a new club team this year, the Black Hornets:

She has only played for her dad & with friends, so I think she has enjoyed the competition of her new team. Thankfully we found a team that was a little more lenient & understood that soccer had to come first, but somehow we lucked out & haven't had much conflict. Basketball practice is Monday/Wednesday while soccer is Tuesday/Thursday. I did not get any action shots from her games but at least we got a team pic:

Sophie's team is taking a break for spring, but Sadie's team plays year round. We joined with the expectation of only playing in the winter, but Sadie liked it so much, we decided to let her continue to play this spring. 

On a different note, we were at dinner the other night when we saw LCU busses drive by - I was shocked because that is the small, private school that I went to! Come to find out, their girls & boys basketball teams were playing in the Lone Star Conference here in Frisco! I made the girls take pictures with me in front of the bus so we could send it to my family & friends from my Lubbock days:

As luck would have it, we had really bad storms Thursday night so both of the girls' soccer games were cancelled on Saturday so we got to watch the girls play:

Unfortunately, they ended up losing, but I was excited for our girls to get to see them play. We go to UT events all the time, so I am glad they were actually able to see the Chaps in action!

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