Monday, March 13, 2023

Living Museum - Mary Lou Retton

It is a tradition at the girls' school to host a living museum in 3rd grade, so last week, Sophie brought her character to life. They had to choose a historical figure that they have been studying for the past month, create a poster, write a report, dress up & then give a speech about them. Sophie had the hardest time picking someone! She really wanted to be a female athlete but there aren't as many in the sports that she plays. She finally came across Mary Lou Retton because she was an American Gymnast who won several medals at the Olympics back in the 80's:

She wore some patriotic shorts, an Olympic shirt, had a few medals, a few USA tattoos & she even pulled her hair up in a high bun like the gymnasts do. They worked so hard on their project & it was all done at school, so we hadn't seen any of it:

They had a button you push & each statue in the museum would come alive & give a speech & when they were finished, they would turn into a statue again. I have a video & she did great:

They even let the older siblings skip class so they could see it also:

We didn't get many pictures of all of her friends because everyone was in character doing their part, but we did see her visiting with Abe Lincoln & Donald Trump:

It was such a fun morning & I am so proud of all of the kids! It was pretty impressive walking around listening to them all. I'll end with a fun fact - 2 years ago, Sadie's grade had their living museum also but since it was during the pandemic, their living museum was virtual. She was Sacagawea!

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