Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Life Lately - February

Usually, I'm not a fan of February because it is one of the coldest months of the year, but this time it wasn't so bad! Besides the winter storm, it has been unseasonably warm, which I appreciate! The month did fly by though. We started the month with a super bowl party at our house with a couple of family friends:

Here's proof about the weather - it was so warm, the kids spent most of their time outside while the parents were inside watching the game. 

Speaking of sports, the girls wrapped up winter basketball & have started spring soccer. I will do a separate blog on that but on one of our school holidays, Sophie went to soccer camp with a few friends from her team:

The girls always have birthday parties & one of them, Sophie had a photo shoot with one of the moms:

I even got invited to a birthday party this month which doesn't happen often at this age. Ha! One of my close friends turned 40 so we had a great time celebrating her:

On another holiday weekend, Sadie had a sleepover with her bestie:

Sadie also had a field trip to the symphony with her grade:

They planned it on the same day as picture day so all of the kids looked nice for the performance:

Finally, we had a few surprise visitors over President's weekend. One of Sadie's best friends who moved came back to visit:

These 2 were so close in kinder & 1st grade. Look how tall she has grown!

We also had a visit from one of my best friends from growing up - all the way from Michigan:

Suzi & I literally met in elementary school & have kept in touch all these years. We so enjoyed hosting her & her husband for the weekend while they were visiting the DFW area:

And that's our photo dump for February! Tomorrow is March 1 & we are ready! It is actually in the 70's all week & we are loving it! We may have already prepped our closets for spring & have been wearing shorts lately. I'm even ready to paint my toenails & wear flip flops again. Bring on spring!

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