Friday, March 17, 2023

Spring Break 2023

Sadie kicked off spring break with her 2 closet friends in her class this year. They dressed like triplets at school:

then had a sleepover that night & dressed like triplets again:

The next morning, they got treated to Starbucks, which tends to be the favorite thing right now:

While she was with her friends, Sophie was with her grandmother, while Bryan & I were in Scottsdale:

We were only there for a few nights, but it was a great getaway! We stayed with friends who live up in the mountains, surrounded by dessert & golf courses. I'm not exaggerating when I say we were literally surrounded by all 3 of those things! That was my view from lunch & here was Bryan's view:

Not much different, right? And we were in 2 totally different locations. He spent the morning working & then they golfed in the afternoon, while we spent the day at the spa. It was heavenly! 

That night we met up with another friend who took us to dinner & it was beautiful - I mean check out these views:

The next morning, we headed out to hike before we had to fly home:

It was literally perfect weather while we were there - cool mornings & evenings, but perfect during the day! It wasn't too hot, but not cold either and the sky was as clear as it could be:

I loved all of the huge cactus - I have literally never seen cactus like that before! And every now & then I would find purple & yellow wild flowers. Bryan couldn't take his eyes off the golf courses - again, we could literally see them from every angle:

Like I said, it was a quick trip, but we always have the best time sneaking away together:

When we got home, we decided to surprise the girls the next day & take them to Six Flags to kick off spring break! We have been twice now since we have season passes but this was the first time we let the girls invite a friend:

Their friends had never been before so we started easy & worked our way up the rides:

The highlight of the night was Sadie riding the Titan - that is literally the tallest roller coaster in Texas! The last 2 times it wasn't working so she finally got to ride it & she LOVED it! And she even rode it by herself:

And Sophie finally got to ride the Sky Screamer, which is the swings, but they are not your normal swings, they are REALLY high! Bryan was a trooper & rode it with her while I took the girls to ride something else:

What a fun start to spring break!

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