Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Spring Break 2023 - Grand Cayman

We realized about a month ago that Sadie did not have any soccer games over spring break, so we decided to book a last minute trip. Sadie really wanted to go back to Sky Ranch Family Camp so she could go skiing, but the rest of us are over the cold weather. We were looking for something a little warmer, so of course Bryan booked his favorite - Grand Cayman! We woke up the girls at 4:00 that morning to head to the airport so of course we had breakfast when we got there. Starbucks to the rescue:

The good news about an early flight is that you actually get to your resort early too! We unpacked, settled in & hit the beach right away. This was our 4th time at this resort & literally, this view never gets old:

This is walking down the grand staircase from the hotel to the pool & the beach. We hadn't spent much time out there & then the weather turned. It ended up raining most of the afternoon/early evening, so Sophie & I ran for cover under an umbrella:

While Sadie just kept on swimming! Who cares about the rain when you are already in your bathing suit?!

I sat down & read a book under the umbrella but couldn't help but laugh when I saw Sophie trying to catch the rain in her mouth:

Eventually it slowed down some so we all enjoyed sitting in the hot tub. That night we let the girls swim as long as they wanted & we had pizza at the resort. We had hoped to catch movie night, but it was cancelled with the rain. But our hopes were lifted again when we got back to the room & found a birthday treat waiting for us The first one they sent was not gluten free so we let Bryan & Sophie eat that one:

Then we lucked out & had a flourless chocolate mousse sent our way for Sadie & I:

A perfect way to end our first day!

Most mornings the girls slept in while Bryan & I woke up earlier to run & work out. I couldn't help but take a few pictures after my run because it was so gorgeous:

One morning I did zumba & another morning I talked Bryan into joining me for a boot camp class out on the lawn. Turns out we were the only ones that showed up so we got a personal training session that wore us out! We ran a lot of sprints & did a lot of stairs. Our room was on the garden side so the girls saw us out there & took a picture. Ha!

The weather was a little disappointing for this time of year. This is peak season because it is not the rainy season or super hot yet, but we did have rain a few times. Thank goodness our first full day there was perfect! We had friends there on vacation also, so we spent the day with them & had so much fun kayaking, paddleboarding, swimming & eating/drinking with them:

Sophie really didn't like the beach as much this trip, so she spent most of her time in the pool or hanging out with me trying to get snacks & drinks all day:

She always knew she could get a drink if mom got a drink! The girls' favorites are strawberry daiquiris, which I love also, but I also really fell in love with miami vice's this trip:

Pina colada & strawberry daiquiri? Yes, please!

Sophie's all-time favorite was the cotton candy:

They set it up by the pool at 3:00 every day so she had it every day. Literally, probably more than once every day!

Lots of selfies of Sadie:

This girl truly fell in love with the ocean this trip! I mean she has been going since she was born, but she always liked the pool better & this time she was one with the ocean! Rain or shine, she was out there:

She loves doing all of the non motorized sports with Bryan & she spent a lot of time on the floats/trampolines out in the water. And yes, she did a lot of gymnastics out there too! Unfortunately, she got stung by a jellyfish while swimming close to shore, which was really surprising. Especially since this is the 2nd time that has happened to her! 

She came running out of the water screaming & crying. Poor girl! Thank goodness they had some ointment for her to help relieve the sting. She eventually calmed down & took a nap with Bryan:

Eventually she shook it off & went back out there:

I read a lot this trip:

The girls are always so busy playing with their new friends & since the weather was 50/50, I stayed under my umbrella trying to stay warm & dry:

Plus, I had fun watching the girls playing with their friends:

Bryan golfed one afternoon:

We spent a lot of time in the game room this trip, especially Sophie. If we couldn't find her by the pool, she was either playing foosball or air hockey:

Mostly we ate & drank, a lot! I am pretty sure the girls ordered french fries with ranch, every single day:

Besides the daily cotton candy I already mentioned, they also had snow cones, frozen grapes, frozen pineapple & smoothies every single day. Oh my. That's on top of all of the drinks we kept ordering!

Our nights varied. One night we walked to the Hive, which is a new full-service food truck/sports bar to watch the Men's Texas Longhorn basketball game. It was even more fun since there were so many Texans there:

On St. Patrick's Day we met our friends at Camana Bay for dinner at Agua followed by gelato:

It's pretty sad that our friends live in Dallas & we hardly see them, but we love going on vacation with them! This was our 3rd trip with them & we get along great!

Of course we couldn't go to Cayman without seeing our local friends, Andrea & JR! We met them for a sunset dinner at Cassanova:

Then they took us to get fro yo at Peachwave:

Another night we stayed at the resort & let the girls swim longer, so we saw sunset pool side before walking to dinner later that night:

Our final night there might have been one of my favorites. It was a beautiful morning, a rainy afternoon & then it cleared up for a beautiful sunset so we let the girls stay out as long as they wanted. I don't think we left until 7:30 or 8:00 so it was literally the first time they shut down the pool swimming in the dark. Thank goodness it cleared up in time for a beautiful sunset our last evening while we were out there:

Sassy girls! They asked if we could stay in that night since it was already late so instead of walking to dinner, we cleaned up, got in our pajamas & ordered sushi & fried rice downstairs:

We stayed 6 nights & 7 days which was the perfect spring break get away! The weather was 50/50 like I said but we definitely made the most of it. The 2 days we actually had plans, it was perfect, so at least that worked in our favor! I am going to do a separate blog about our excursion, but I will note that since the weather was different this trip, so was the beach! We started coming here when the girls were young because it was beautiful, clear, calm water with hardly any waves. Perfect for small children. But this time, every day was different. You could tell there was weather blowing around because the tide was high, currents were strong & there were crazy waves for Cayman, which Sadie absolutely loved!

It was so strong our final day, that they roped off a small swimming area & did not allow any water sports. The girls missed a few days of school, but we flew home yesterday:

Unfortunately, we had a long lay over in Fort Lauderdale so we got home pretty late, but we got to experience one last sunset from the sky:

Isn't that beautiful?! We had just departed Florida & had risen above the clouds when we saw it. What a gorgeous way to end a gorgeous trip!

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