Thursday, February 16, 2023

Valentine's Day 2023

Valentine's fell on a Tuesday this year, right after Super Bowl, so it felt like a busy couple of days! I didn't do much for the girls, but we had a few surprises for them when they woke up:

 Apparently, they had a surprise for me too:

Clearly, they know my love language is sweets!

I went to school early with them because we had Sophie's party first with her class:

They did the usual - snack, craft, game, etc. but they mostly had fun trading Valentine's & eating all of the candy they got with their friends:

Their last parties were at the same time, so I didn't get to go so I was so excited to get to go to hers this time:

Next stop, the cafeteria for the 5th grade party where I met up with these ladies:

These are the 5th grade room moms! We actually met at the school the day before to prep everything. The younger grades do small parties in their classroom, but like Christmas, they let 5th grade have the entire cafeteria so the entire class could celebrate together:

We had music playing so they could dance, corn hole, hula hoops, a snack bar, photo booth & a carnation station where they could make a gift tag & give the carnation to someone. But I was super excited to carry on the tradition of "sharing the love" by incorporating a service project! For the past 7 or 8 years, 5th grade has collected donations for FastPacs & then they packed bags to deliver to the warehouse:

I volunteer regularly with them, so I took the lead on this part of the party. That's why all of the other moms look cute in their Valentine outfits & I was rocking my FastPacs t-shirt! We sent out a sign up a month before the party requesting specific items & the families more than stepped up, so we organized the food & had it ready for the kids to pack. They took turns by class during the party but somehow, I got put in charge of the microphone & got to explain this to everyone at the party:

I was pretty busy during the party but was able to catch a quick pic with Sadie while she was packing:

I was also able to catch a few pictures of Sadie with her best gal pal, Kenzie, volunteering together:

I got pictures from other moms but it looks like they had fun snacking & with their friends at the photo booth:

It appears they even gave their carnations to each other also:

I am SO excited these 2 got to be together for their final year of elementary school!

After school, we invited Sophie's girl scout troop over for their February meeting/Valentine party:

It was a fun excuse to have another party at our house!

Once most of the girls had left, Sophie exchanged gifts with her Galentine, Kate:

Then we had someone else stop by:

This is Brighton & he asked Sadie to be his valentine. I don't know what that means exactly at this age, but they have been texting on their iPads for the past month or so & they bought gifts for each other. I am friends with his mom & we have known them since they were in kindergarten together, but it still cracks me up because honestly what happened is they sat there quietly while the moms talked. Ha!

They can talk & text all day behind their iPad but the minute they see each other in person, they get shy. It's pretty adorable!

To finish our day, Sadie had soccer practice while we cooked a fancy dinner at home. No pictures to share, but Bryan grilled steaks, I made homemade macaroni and cheese from scratch for Sophie & we set the table fancy with our china & cloth napkins. I think it's fun at least once a year to go all out at home just the 4 of us while we still can!

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