Friday, February 3, 2023

Ice Storm Mara

As you have probably seen or heard, Texas got hit by ice storm Mara last week. Honestly, it didn't seem like that big of a deal, but the girls ended up missing 4 days of school! Can you believe it?! Bryan & I actually missed it because we were enjoying the much warmer & much sunnier weather in Florida! We flew out on Sunday to Ponte Vedra, which is where we went last January also. We stayed in a golf course community by TPC Sawgrass. It was literally perfect weather while we were there - even hit the low 80's:

While we were enjoying this view, the girls were back at home with their grandparents doing homework inside & staying warm:

The first day was icy & snowy, but at least it was dry so they were able to go outside & play with friends:

The next couple of days it rained a lot & was even icier, so they were really stuck inside. The good news is they got to miss a few days of school, spend some extra time with their grandparents & from what I hear, they ate really well. The bad news is they got bored at home because it wasn't the fun weather you want to miss school for. 

Mean while, back in Florida, we left Ponte Vedra & drove to Sarasota. Bryan was there for business so I was mostly tagging along, but we still had time to sleep in, go for a work out together, have brunch, etc. We ran a few times & our hotel had bikes so one morning I biked along the ocean instead:

It looks cloudy in these pictures, but it cleared up. We had beautiful sunshine the entire time we were there & we ate every meal al fresco. It was perfect! We even had a few dinners with his clients/friends, so I always enjoy putting a face with a name. 

Lastly, I am going to add a few more pictures for me. I am sure no one else cares about where we ate, but we had some fabulous meals in Sarasota & I have a feeling we will be back again so I am noting these restaurants for future reference. 

One night we had dinner here & the gf pasta was amazing:

My favorite part was dessert because they had several mini desserts to choose from & half of them were gf, so I actually got to choose what I wanted & it just so happened that my favorite was one that I could actually have. Peanut Butter Chocolate!

We had breakfast both mornings here. It was one of my favorite gf breakfast spots of all times! They are known for everything mango & their gf french toast with toasted coconut & mango butter was the BOMB!

Finally, we found a dessert shop in downtown Sarasota that actually had gf labeled on their menu. That NEVER happens! And they had this amazing chocolate chip, coconut cookie that they made an ice cream sandwich with:

Told you, I am obsessed with sweets & I am even writing about it on my blog. Ugh. I can't help it! I was so good the month of January & as soon as I landed in Florida & the calendar changed to February, I dove right in. At least next time I will know where to go when I land in Sarasota again!

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