Thursday, February 23, 2023

She Believes Cup

Last night Bryan & took Sadie to her first US Women's soccer game & it was awesome! We are so fortunate we live in such a soccer friendly community where they hosted the final leg of the She Believes Cup. We got to see Canada vs. Japan followed by USA vs. Brazil. Now that we have been playing soccer for a while, have met a lot of friends in our soccer community. We saw friends all night long walking around the stadium, but when we first got there, we met up with a few friends from Sadie's team:

Of course we had to get a picture of us soccer moms also:

It was so cute listening to the girls talk about the players & who their favorites were. I mean, they were excited just watching them warm up & practice before the game even started:

We lucked out with perfect weather! I mean for February, it was in the 70's & sunny! Last year we didn't go because it was literally so cold & rainy, there was ice at the stadium. We eventually walked over to our seats & we had great seats also! The first half the USA team shot on our end so it was awesome getting to see the girls up close. In fact, the first goal of the game was scored by Alex Morgan, right in front of us. It was phenomenal!!!! Of course I didn't get that on camera, but here are a few action shots:

We bought 6 tickets but Sophie did not want to come, so we had a date night with Sadie:

and we invited another family whose daughter we used to play with:

USA ended up winning the match 2-1 and the overall tournament so of course we had to stay afterwards for the awards ceremony:

It was such a fun night & I am so glad that this daughter of ours introduced us to soccer. I think it's safe to say we have all come to love the game:

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