Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Life Lately - January

I haven't blogged as often because nothing big is happening these days but I always have random pictures to share from the month, so let's take a look back at January. First of all, I challenged our family to cut back on sugar this month. Let me clarify, we still ate sugar, but we tried not to have dessert every night after dinner. Between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and both of their birthdays, we had eaten a lot of dessert lately. What's a little piece of candy here & there after dinner? A lot apparently! I let the girls have dessert on the weekend but I tried to go the whole month without any dessert, which is a lot for me! I LOVE sweets! So that's why I have all of these random pictures of food on my phone because we gorged ourselves with dessert before we kicked off the new year being good. Nothing Bundt Cake?

Batch Bakery?


Yes, yes & yes! I'm pretty sure I also had a Sprinkles cupcake & Andy's ice cream, just didn't capture pictures probably because I was too busy eating it! Ha! 

We also started off the year at Six Flags:

We got season tickets for Christmas so the girls were excited to go for the first time & use them! We went on a random Sunday when it was cool, but not too crowded:

I think these pictures are from December & somehow never got posted, but Bryan took both of our Dads to a Cowboy game, back when they were still playing:

Sophie's troop had a cookie booth outside of school one afternoon:

And we'll end with a couple of random selfies I found on my phone:

I remember why I like January because it cools off, rains a lot & life slows down after the holidays. Let's keep that momentum going into February.......

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