Monday, December 19, 2022

Sophie's 9th Birthday

Sophie's birthday was on Saturday but the festivities started on Friday! The girls had GMP at school that morning so Bryan & I both went. Sadie was spirit captain:

She also sang in the choir. They sang a few Christmas songs & then celebrated all of the birthdays in December:

But our biggest surprise was for this little girl:

Sophie's teacher called us earlier in the week to let us know that Sophie would be getting the character award for the month, which was for zest:

We were SO proud of her!

We came back for lunch to celebrate with a few of her friends & she requested Sonic. She wanted a corn dog, french fries & a cherry slush with nerds:

She got birthday money to get her nails done so we took her after school. She wanted red sparkle for Christmas:

Friday night she had a party so I will do a separate blog about that but her real birthday was on Saturday morning. We opened presents at home:

Then we surprised her with dinner at Maggiano's:

Followed by the tree lighting ceremony at the Star! We have gone the last few years & the girls love it:

They do it every Friday & Saturday night from Thanksgiving leading up to Christmas, so Saturday night was the last lighting of the season & it just happened to be on her birthday. It's pretty much the exact same show every single year with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, the Rhythm & Blues Dancers, Rowdy & Santa but it's free & so festive:

It was a perfect evening to countdown to Christmas & celebrate her birthday:

Finally, on Sunday morning after church, we took a few of her friends out to eat lunch:

Her party was smaller & we only celebrated with school friends, but she was excited to celebrate again with her church friends who we don't see as often. Next up, her birthday slumber party!

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