Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Sophie's 9th Birthday Slumber Party

As you've figured out, the girls wanted separate parties this year & Sophie wanted to do exactly what her sister did! Super easy to plan, but exhausting doing it 2 weekends in a row. Sophie chose a design for her invite & she went with more of a fun, whimsical birthday/Christmas theme with red, pink & lime green. She also wanted all gluten! She requested barbecue chicken & cheese pizza from Pizza Hut, since we don't order from there anymore. She also wanted chocolate covered popcorn & a cookie cake:

She is obsessed with sleep masks, in fact, she can't sleep without one. She has a collection of them in her room & she sleeps in one every single night. Even when we travel! So she found some adorable reindeer masks to pass out to her friends. They were so cute wearing them all night!

There were 10 girls total, but a few had to come late so it was a smaller group for dinner:

We waited for everyone to get there & then we did the exact same thing as Sadie's group - a Christmas photo scavenger hunt around the neighborhood! I drove Sophie's group & they didn't want selfies, they wanted real pictures so I hopped out at every house & took the pictures myself:

They had such a fun time & this was a great activity for both groups of girls!

When we got back, we warmed up with cake:

Next up presents followed by a serious round of bingo:

I finally sent the girls upstairs around midnight to watch a movie & settle down:

Apparently that didn't help too much because I had to go up there several times until I MADE them go to sleep around 3:00 am. Sigh. At least they all slept in the next morning. No one woke up before 8:30:

Including the birthday girl - she got up after 9:00 but was so excited for her final gluten request - cinnamon rolls!

And no, they are not fancy home made ones, they are Pillsbury, straight from the can! The girls LOVED eating these & unfortunately cinnamon rolls are the hardest thing to find gluten free. You would have thought I baked them from scratch because the girls thought they were so good. Ha!

It has definitely been an exhausting month with their family party & both slumber parties, but it has been fun! Ready or not, Christmas here we come!

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