Friday, December 16, 2022

Read-A-Thon Obstacle Course

The whole month of October, our school participated in a Read-A-Thon & when we surpassed our reading & financial goals at the end of the month, the kids were supposed to celebrate with an obstacle course. If you remember, it rained all day so our event got cancelled & instead, we had a last minute dance party in the gym. That ended up being fun but the kids were promised a re-do so they finally got it last Friday! Unfortunately, the odds were stacked against us again because it rained all night the evening before. We knew our event would not be re-scheduled for a 3rd time, so they got to do it anyway & it ended up being even more fun because they got to do it in the mud!

3rd grade went first so I met up with Sophie & her friends:

You ready for her action shots? Because she took it seriously! You know it's serious when her tongue is sticking out!

Her class had so much fun but they were covered in mud, especially their shoes so they ended up taking them off, putting them a in plastic bag & going shoeless the rest of the day at school:

Luckily 3rd grade went first & 5th grade followed so I got to stick around & watch the next round. Thank goodness I had my rain boots on so I could walk around in the mud & watch both of my girls in action & get pictures:

She had fun with her friends also, but since I am their room mom, I spent more time with her class & didn't get as many pictures with her friends but it's fair to say she had just as much fun as her sister did:

I should have taken a picture of all 3 of our shoes by the time we left for the day! They were not fun to clean but it was clearly a sign of a good time!

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