Friday, December 9, 2022

Sadie's 11th Birthday

In honor of Sadie's birthday, it has been a busy week! Not only is it fun celebrating with friends, family, school, etc. but she also had a lot of doctor appointments. She always has her annual well check & eye check around her birthday. And she goes to the orthodontist once a month for a check up, but this time was extra special because she got her braces taken off. Here is her selfie in the car before:

And here she is afterwards:

She was so excited to get them off the day before her birthday! 

Her actual birthday was Thursday & of course Ellie showed up in her birthday costume, like she does every year:

We finally discovered a gf frozen cinnamon roll that is her favorite but they only sale it at Sprouts so I made sure to surprise her with that & then Sophie was dying to give her present, so we let her open 1 gift before school:

Bryan signed up to be Watch Dog Dad at school that day so the girls were excited to spend the day with him:

For lunch, I surprised her with her favorite fast food, which right now is Hawaiian Bros.:

I made sure to coordinate with her bestie to make sure she joined us & I bought them both Dole Whip:

We had to celebrate Kenzie's mom also because she shares a birthday with Sadie:

After school, I surprised her & took her to get her nails done. My mom gave them both money for them to get a manicure for their birthday/Christmas. She got dipped nails with french tips:

Unfortunately, soccer doesn't end just because it's your birthday. I cooked her favorite dinner at home that afternoon, threw it in the fridge & then drove carpool for soccer. Fun fact, for the 2nd year in a row, her favorite meal at this age is French Onion Chicken & Rice. She LOVES it! I sat in the car at soccer for 2 hours while it drizzled & then went to surprise the girls at the end of practice. They have a tradition where the birthday girl stands in the goal & they all shoot at her at the same time. Doesn't look fun to me?! But then they ran over, sang happy birthday to Sadie & we had cookie cake to share with the team:

The older she gets, the later her practices go & I hate it.... so we didn't get home until 8:30. We had dinner, cake & presents, just the 4 of us before calling it a night:

Another fun fact, she wanted Nike Air Max shoes for back to school but they were super expensive so this was the first time we told her we would buy her back to school shoes, but something more reasonable. We told her she is older now so if she wants expensive items like that, she needs to save her money or wait until her birthday or Christmas to get them. So she waited for 6 months, very patiently! I don't know if she was surprised, but she was definitely excited! This was the very first year she wanted something very specific. She only wanted the white on white, which I thought was kind of boring because there were so many fun colors out there, but that's what made her happy! She is slowly learning you get less gifts when they cost so much!

Finally, before we went to bed we had a special delivery:

Last time we were in Vegas, I had a slice of gf cake at the Milk Bar & it was AMAZING! They have a bakery in NY where they ship their baked goods, so I ordered a special cake for her birthday party. She is having a slumber party tonight with 10 of her friends at our house! She may be excited for the party & for hanging out with her friends, but I am secretly excited about the cake! I'll post next week a final wrap up to her birthday with pics from her sleepover & then we get to do it all over again for Sophie!

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