Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Sadie & Sophie's Family Birthday Party 2022

For the past 10 years, we have celebrated the girls' birthdays together with one big party, which we always held the second weekend of December. It always worked perfectly, because the girls have a lot of friends who are siblings & December is a busy month so it was easier to plan 1 party instead of 2. Until this year..... the girls officially asked for the own separate party. So instead of doing them on the same weekend, we decided to throw it the weekend of each of their birthdays. And just for grins we decided to throw a family party the weekend before, so 3 parties for this family all leading up to Christmas. Sigh.

Last weekend my parents drove up to celebrate the girls & watch them play basketball so it was the best time to celebrate them both with all of our family. We had a few hours in between games so we didn't do anything fancy, but I made a make shift charcuterie board, had a few snacks & baked a cake to celebrate at home:

The girls got to open gifts:

Sophie got several smaller gifts:

While Sadie was surprised with 1 big gift:

We had the best day visiting, eating, celebrating & watch their games together. So thankful to have family live close where we can always celebrate with them!

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