Monday, December 12, 2022

Sadie's 11th Birthday Slumber Party

Well, I survived but it was a long weekend! Sadie had her friends over on Friday night for a sleepover & it was a really fun night but a really long night too! 

When the girls decided they wanted their own parties, I let them design their own invitation & come up with the theme so Sadie went with buffalo plaid, with red & black. I had a hard time finding paper products that didn't say Merry Christmas, but found a few cute ones with snowflakes:

She knew right away what she wanted on the menu for dinner - hot dogs, fritos with bean dip, carrots & potato chips with home made ranch dip. I made rolo pretzels for a snack & we had her cake from the Milk Bar. Her final request was a party favor for everyone - she wanted buffalo plaid pajama pants so they could all match:

Our elf Ellie went ziplining across the living room & was waiting for our guests to arrive:

I took a few pictures of the birthday girl while she was waiting also - she was so excited to have on her new shoes with her new pants:

Finally, our guests arrived! She invited 10 of her friends from school & as soon as they got here, they ate dinner then spent the first hour or so playing basketball outside & jumping on the trampoline:

Next up, we had a surprise photo scavenger hunt planned! We divided the girls into 2 teams & I had another mom help me. I gave them a list of Christmas items they had to drive around the neighborhood & look for & when they found it, they had to take a selfie with it. We tried to see who could get back to the house the fastest and then we had even more fun watching the pictures to see what the girls found:

Our team clearly had lots of selfies with Sadie. Ha!

Afterwards, we went back to the house & cut the cake:

Opened presents:

Played Christmas bingo:

Then the real fun began...... While Sadie was opening presents, we were all gathered in the living room & 2 other moms were with me. All of the sudden the doorbell rang & before I knew it, 11 girls were screaming & running out the front door. Apparently our house had been toilet papered & a few boys were running down the street:

It was a few boys from school & actually, their moms were there too. They knew Sadie was having a sleepover so they wanted to surprise us. Well, they definitely did! I didn't even know kids this young were doing this yet! But the girls thought it was great & they boys ended up staying for a while & they all played, jumped on the trampoline & we gave them cake:

Once they left, the girls were hyper. I had a hard time calming down & they were begging to go back & wrap the boys house. Obviously we couldn't go to all of their houses, but one of the boys lives around the corner from us, so at midnight, I let the girls walk over there so we could wrap his! The poor girls had no idea what they were doing. First of all, they just took the toilet paper from our yard to theirs & only 1 took 1 roll from inside our house. Secondly, they didn't know how to throw it in the trees, they just kept tearing it in pieces & putting it in the yard like confetti. It was pretty funny because they were so nervous & were trying to be quiet but then one of the girls accidentally stepped on a Christmas light & popped a bulb. It was so loud! Once they were done, we took a picture for retaliation & then they sneakily ran back to our house:

At this point, it is 1:00 in the morning, so I turned off all of the lights, turned on a movie upstairs in the media room & thought they would calm down. Unfortunately, they had another plan. Sigh. I took a bath, tried to relax, eventually laid down, but let's just say I got up at least once an hour until 4:00. I finally became the mean mom at almost 4:30 am & pretty much told all of them that they had to go to sleep because their parents would be there in a few hours. 

*Side note, poor Sadie was one of the first to fall asleep, so they drew all over her face with markers. She was so embarrassed when she woke up the next morning since it was her birthday & her party, but thankfully she got over it quickly. She washed her face though so I never got to see it!

There is only 1 donut shop in town that makes gluten free donuts, usually on Mondays, but they made a special order for us so sweet Bryan woke up early to go pick them up. The girls didn't wake up until 9:00 but I had breakfast ready for them:

I forgot to mention that I had Sophie spend the night with a friend so she would be out of the way, but we gave her & Kate matching pj pants & I invited them back for breakfast Saturday morning. They were so exited to join the big girls:

Like I said, it was a really long night, but also a lot of fun! I think every moment felt special for Sadie & it truly felt like a rite of passage for these girls to be getting harrassed by the boys & wrapping houses for the first time. I really didn't think that would start until middle school, but guess we are almost there. Cheer to 11 years!

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