Friday, November 18, 2022

Sadie's Weekend Trip to Austin

We knew Sophie would be at girl scout camp so we had planned on spending a weekend with Sadie, but we didn't realize that for some odd reason, she didn't have a single game - seriously? That never happens! So we decided at the last minute to surprise her & take her to Austin for the weekend:

The Lady Longhorn soccer team had a 5:00 game on Friday afternoon that Bryan really wanted to take her to, but since we had that big cold front blow in with 100% chance rain, we didn't want to pull her out of school & drive down early for the game to be cancelled. Instead, we left right after school & made it in time for the season opener of the Lady Longhorn baseketball team. This was their very first game in their new basketball arena so we were pretty excited! 

I even took pictures of the pom squad & cheerleaders for Sophie:

They won & afterwards we got to go on the court & get autographs & take pictures with all of the players. Sadie was so excited!

She even got to talk to their head coach:

This was one of our favorites because her name is Shay & she wears number 10, which is Sadie's number:

It was the perfect way to kick off our trip:

Eventually we headed to our hotel & Sadie was so excited, she walked around the hotel that night with Bryan. She thought it was so cool that they had a heated pool & was upset we didn't bring her bathing suit:

The next morning, we slept in. We thought about going to ESPN Game Day, but it was too early & too cold! Instead we found a new brunch place that is completely gluten free & that we fell in love with:

We will definitely be going back there next time we visit!

We explored downtown, shopped the Co-op then finally made our way to Bevo Boulevard before the big game. I have heard how kid friendly it was before the game now, but honestly, we hadn't really done this side of tailgating with the girls:

We saw the Longhorn Network set up getting ready to go live on the air, so Sadie jumped in & tried to get on camera:

She didn't make it at first, but then Bryan picked her up, put her on his shoulders & walked in some more & they finally made it on the screen! Can you see her in the background up high?!

We met up with some of Bryan's old fraternity brothers then we finally made it inside the stadium for pre-game. The camera showed an airplane flying over the stadium & we had no idea what it was & then all of the sudden we started seeing fireworks:

Since it was Veteran's Day, they were parachute jumpers from the Army! They had fireworks so we could track them as they jumped down. They took turns landing on the field but this one was my favorite because he was from Texas & he landed on the longhorn:

Game time was cold so we bundled up! It started in the 40's & had dropped to the 30's before we left but that place was packed. We played TCU & was one of the biggest games of the weekend since they were undefeated. Still are! We held them 3-0 at halftime but eventually ended up losing 17-10. Surprisingly, it was a low scoring game & kind of boring. I mean we still had fun, but we thought it would be more exciting but nothing crazy ever happened. But we still had a blast cheering for the Horns & ate some good food. Sadie & I have pretty much realized that nachos are our go-to stadium food that is safe, but this time, we found some with barbecue on top so they were even better. Side note, we couldn't have the barbecue sauce though. The things I have learned on this gluten free journey....

We sat pretty close to the field & we had a player surprise Sadie afterwards & come up to us to talk to her. He even gave his towels to her! Unfortunately, she fell & hit her shin pretty hard on the bleacher so she doesn't look too happy in this picture:

We had 2 late nights in a row but a weekend full of Longhorn fun with Sadie so we slept in Sunday morning then eventually made the drive home. I just love that she enjoys all of the sports as much as Bryan & I do! Hook 'em Horns!

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