Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Life Lately - November

November came & went as we wrapped up all of our activities for fall! I mean technically we are still in November, but we are enjoying our fall break, celebrating Thanksgiving & let's be honest, already skipping ahead to Christmas. Ha! The girls had a fun month at school. Sophie celebrated a Friendsgiving with her girl scout troop:

Sadie's class had a class camp out in their classroom:

I went to GMP last week & saw Sophie with her friends:

Sadie was spirit captain so she thought we were there to watch her in action, but really we were excited because she won the character award for the month:

All of the grateful winners for 5th grade were girls this month:

5th grade started book clubs this year so I got to go up to the school & help decorate since I am one of the room parents. Thankfully I wasn't by myself because we all know I am not the most creative but it still turned out pretty cute:

The kids were so excited when they got to school the next day! We set up a hot cocoa station with snacks for their reading:

Finally, not only did Sophie wrap up soccer, but we also wrapped up cheerleading. We had their end of the season party & had fun celebrating their season by having a party in the backyard watching videos from the season:

It was chilly out there but the girls bundled up & had fun! When we went back in, we had dinner, played bingo & Coach Jamie made all of the girls a book from their season that was so cute:

We had such a fun season & I thoroughly enjoyed helping coach this group of girls with Sophie & her friends:

Now it's time to switch gears & move inside because both of the girls are playing winter basketball!

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