Monday, November 28, 2022

Fall Break 2022

Last week the girls were off from school so we all enjoyed fall break at home. It rained a lot so we didn't get to spend much time at home, but that meant we had plenty of time to decorate the house for Christmas, wrap presents, work on holiday cards, watch Christmas movies & so much more! It ended up being productive but also relaxing at the same time. The girls spent the night with their grandparents so that helped Bryan & I to get a lot done while they were gone. While they were there, they made Christmas plates out of peppermints - they turned out so cute!

While they were gone, Bryan & I went to dinner & enjoyed a date night out. He even surprised me with flowers when I got in the car:

On Thursday morning, we had hoped to run the Turkey Trot, but we woke up & it was raining. Again. We literally signed up last summer & the girls were pretty bummed. It was the first time we signed Sadie up for the 5k & we were going to let her run it by herself to see how she could compete. Instead, we slept in & got shirts, medals & bibs for nothing:

Thursday was a fun day anyway and I have zero pictures to show for it. We got invited to a friend's house for a Friendsgiving breakfast which was wonderful. We had never done this before, so it was fun celebrating with other families! Then we headed to Bryan's aunt's house & had our Thanksgiving meal with his family. Afterwards, we had planned on driving to Austin for the football game Friday morning, but again it was raining. We didn't really want to drive late at night in the rain, especially if it was going to rain the next morning during the game also. The girls were pretty bummed we skipped so we tried to make up for it on Friday. There is a place in town we have never been to which has been on our bucket list for a while, so we fought the crowd & surprised the girls at Andretti's Indoor Kart Racing:

They have 4 different types of Virtual Reality, Bowling, Arcade & so much more, but we were mostly there to race. There was a 2 hour wait to drive, so we walked around Grandscape & got pizza. It was pretty walking around and Sophie wanted pictures everywhere:

Finally, it was race time! Sophie drove the junior course & her car went around 15 mph:

That's her leading the pack! Her first race she got 11th place & apparently, she figured out what she was doing because her next race she got 2nd!

Sadie & I drove the intermediate course, on cars that go 25 mph:

Did I mention that we had to wear these really big helmets that were heavy?! I let Sadie go in front of me & I am such a rule follower, that I stayed behind her the entire time trying not to bump anyone or crash. Let's just say I am probably not the best race car driver because I was nowhere near the podium like the girls were:

Finally, we had Bryan on the adult course with cars going 35 mph:

Besides racing, we spent a lot of time in the arcade. Long story, but we ended up getting a free game card that worked for at least an hour that the girls had a blast using! They didn't get to collect any tickets, but they got to play more games than we ever would have paid for! Don't get me wrong, it was an expensive outing, but as Bryan said, it was cheaper than what we would have spent on our trip to Austin!

On Saturday we met my sister & her family in Dallas for lunch before they headed back home. The girls always love seeing their cousins, but again, no pictures. I guess we were having too much fun visiting! 

That night, Sadie's basketball team got free tickets to the Texas Legends basketball game so the girls invited friends & we had fun:

Like I said, it was a fun, relaxing week & we had fun hanging out with the girls, family & friends, despite the rain!

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