Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Halloween 2022

It was a fun weekend gearing up for Halloween & last night we finally celebrated again with perfect weather!

This year Sophie wanted to be a zombie princess & Sadie was a m&m with several of her friends:

Sophie got invited to a friend's house for a party before & then she went trick or treating with her friends all night:

Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of pictures of her because I wasn't with her. I walked Sadie to a few houses until we met up with her bestie, Kenzie:

Eventually we met up with the rest of their friends for a quick party before they headed out also:

Her friend's little brother also has celiac disease so I took a picture of them together because he was cracking me up because he said he was gluten free pizza made with a cauliflower crust!

After that, I headed home to pass out candy the rest of the evening but Sadie trick or treated with Kenzie all night & her mom sent me several pictures:

including these random selfies she found on her phone this morning. Ha!

On a different note, the girls carved pumpkins over the weekend so I had them lit & sitting out by me while I passed out candy. I didn't get a picture of the big one that Sophie & Bryan did, but this little pumpkin that says Boo! Sadie did all by herself. She was so proud!

We let the girls stay out until 9:00 & then we finally got them in since it was a school night. But that didn't stop them from going through their candy loot & sorting all of their goodies:

Boo until next year!

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