Monday, November 7, 2022

3rd Grade Fall Field Trip - The Opera

The week of Halloween, Sophie got another treat when the 3rd grade got to go on a field trip! She was so excited because they haven't really been on any for the past few years. 3rd grade actually has a tradition across FISD where all of our students at every school gets bussed to one of our local high schools & they get to watch an opera!

I don't have any pictures from the opera itself, but I know that they saw Hansel & Gretel and according to her it was kind of boring. Ha!

Afterwards, they headed to one of our city parks for a picnic lunch:

Then they got to spend an hour playing outside with their friends, which was probably her favorite part:

They had the best day & I am so glad things are finally back to normal so they can do all of the things they missed out on during Covid:

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