Monday, October 31, 2022

FBC Fall Festival 2022

On Sunday afternoon, the weather finally turned around & we had a beautiful sunny day! Sophie met up with her girl scout troop for reverse trick or treating like they did last year:

They dressed up in their costumes & had fun walking around the neighborhood asking for donations to Fast Pacs. Sophie & Kate wore their Top Gun rompers again & these girls loaded several wagons full of food:

Afterwards, we headed to our church for their annual fall festival & since it is open to the community, we invited her troop also:

Sophie was so excited to get her face painted & hit up all of the trunks for as much candy as she could get:

Of course she found the popcorn, cotton candy & sno cones too:

Sadie had fun also but she mostly enjoyed the rides:

After all that rain, we ended up having the perfect evening!

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