Friday, November 11, 2022

Twinkle Toes, Fall 2022

Sophie had an awesome soccer season but unfortunately, it really never ended.... We had perfect weather all season until the past few weeks. We literally hadn't cancelled a single practice or game until their final weekend. We had planned their final practice on a Friday afternoon, followed by a team party that evening & then their final game the next day. Let's just say we are waiting for those 3 things to still happen! The past 2 Fridays we have had torrential downpours, so much rain that all sports were cancelled for the entire weekend because the fields were flooded. Even Sadie had 4 games cancelled. They re-scheduled everything again for this weekend, but now we don't have enough players to play so we are going to have to forfeit. What a bummer to end the season that way! I didn't even take many pictures this season so I don't have much to document:

My friends took those at one of our games so at least I got a few action shots! She continued playing goal keeper also, usually she would play one half protecting the goal & the other half out in the field, but she preferred playing the field. 

I'm sure I would have taken more pictures at their final game with her friends, with her coach, aka Dad, in the goal, etc. but guess we will have to wait for the spring. Thankfully we took team pictures earlier in the season so at least we have that:

We will miss soccer for now, but she is ready to move on to winter basketball!

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