Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Life Lately - September School Edition

Since school started, the months are flying by but I am thoroughly excited it is October already! We are finally having cooler weather (at least our mornings & our evenings) & we are full swing in the holiday season. Pumpkin everything! When I sat down to look at my pictures for the last month, most of them are school related, so here we go! 

Every now & then I get a picture texted to me from a friend at the school or I find a picture on social media somewhere. This is Sadie in art class:

And Sophie at brain break:

I still volunteer in the library every Wednesday so I get to see the girls when I am in there:

I try to have lunch with them on Wednesdays while I am at the school. The week I went to Austin with Bryan, I signed up his mom to have lunch with them:

Sadie does safety patrol a few days a week. It is open to all 5th graders & they can get to school early, grab a vest & help open car doors for all of the car riders:

Our school had spirit night at Handel's ice cream so they had fun seeing their friends & teachers:

They had their fall pictures:

Sophie's brownie troop took a break over the summer but they officially started back up in September. They always wear their troop shirt to school & then walk to our neighborhood park together afterwards for their monthly meeting:

Last week we took the girls to the JV & Varsity volleyball games at Wakeland. Our neighbor who is a freshman made the JV team so they had fun watching her:

Of course we brought some sister siblings with us to watch the game so that made it even more fun:

Finally, the school had their first big GMP that parents were invited to & it was the kickoff for our fall fundraiser:

All of the 5th graders got to sign up for spirit captains & they chose 25 to represent the school & thank goodness Sadie was so excited to get picked, along with most of her friends:

So excited for this 5th grade class & all they have to look forward to at school this year!

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