Thursday, September 29, 2022

Little Miss Cheer 2022

On top of cheering for FFL, Sophie also got to go to the cheer clinic at Wakeland High School again, like she does every year. She absolutely LOVES getting to hang out & cheer with the high school girls. Their clinic was on a Saturday morning & after we dropped her off, we had to head to Sadie's soccer game so we were late getting back for her show off, but I got a few pictures afterwards:

Later in the week, they got to cheer at the JV football game. In the past, they got to go on the track & cheer during the 1st & 2nd quarters, but this year they had to sit in the stands & cheer, which was kind of disappointing, but she still had fun:

Finally, they got to go on the field at halftime & perform:

Lots of pictures afterwards with Liz:

Gotta love our little cheerleaders & I hope they all do get to cheer at Wakeland in the future!

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