Monday, October 10, 2022

Fright Fest

The girls had a long, holiday weekend so we had a few surprise visitors come to stay with us for the weekend:

The Clayton Crew came in, along with Mimi & Doc! We surprised the kids & took them to Fright Fest at Six Flags Over Texas Friday night:

The girls love theme parks & we have been to several, but surprisingly, we have never been to Six Flags, which is where we actually live?! They were open from 6:00 - 11:00 so we spent the evening there. The entire park was decorated for Halloween - spiderwebs & skeletons everywhere, all of the fountains were died red so it looked like blood - they even renamed some of the rides:

Sadie & Kason went straight to some of the big rides so Bryan & I took Sophie & Zoe on some of the smaller ones to "warm up":

It didn't take long before we all met up again & we spent the rest of the evening together. We even got the girls on a couple of the bigger rides! It was the perfect evening & it was even more fun when the sun went down. It wasn't hot at all, but it wasn't cold either. The park was kind of magical all decorated at night, but also spooky at the same time. They even had costumed characters everywhere - some were hiding to scare you, but for the most part they didn't bother us because we had young kids with us:

They even had haunted houses set up inside the park. We didn't do any of those with the kids but we took advantage of the rides because there were no lines! I mean seriously, we never waited more than 15 minutes & it was awesome! I think it was a busy holiday weekend at the fair so no one was here. Either that or they were all in line for the haunted houses. Eventually, we stopped for a snack break. There weren't a whole lot of gluten free choices but I did find Dole Whip, which is always a safe choice!

Sophie had been stalking this Fantz Fizz drink all night with a gummy eye ball on top & skeleton straw:

Sadie found the icee machine - another safe, gluten free choice:

While the rest of our crew enjoyed their funnel cakes:

We thought the park closed at midnight so we were hoping to hit up a few more rides, but unfortunately it closed at 11:00. So we got kicked out with everyone else, but honestly, we had so much fun, I think we will totally do this again. Maybe this exact same weekend next year. Forget the hot weather & long lines - this is the way to do it! We had so much fun the kids passed out on the way home:

Here's to many more trips to Six Flags in our future!

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