Friday, October 28, 2022

Life Lately - October

October has been a fun month, but I can't believe how fast it has flown by & Halloween is in a few days! I am sure I will have lots of pictures to share next week for the holiday but for today, I have a photo dump of our miscellaneous pictures from the past month. Let's start with these 2 cuties, because let's be honest, my entire blog is about these 2 cuties!

The girls wore red in honor of dyslexia day. It doesn't take much to get them to dress up - they love a good, themed dress up day! This month we have been participating in our fall fundraiser, the read-a-thon, and one week was heroes & role models week:

Sophie chose to be a basketball player & Sadie dressed up as her soccer coach & I personally think she was spot on!

They had guest readers at the school this week from our mayor, superintendent & even high school students! The girls were so excited to see some of our friends & neighbors at the school all week:

They absolutely LOVE seeing the high school kids. So much so, that we have gone to a few more high school volleyball games because they love watching them. This week, it was homecoming & the girls couldn't believe how big her mum was:

Back to our read-a-thon, the girls have been reading extra all month & they are excited for their reward later this week! I am room mom for Sadie so I have already been up celebrating with her class since we made their poster:

Speaking of school, I have spent a lot of time up there again. Or maybe it feels like a lot since I haven't been there much over the past 2 years? Either way, I love seeing the girls & all their friends. I was helping in the library one afternoon when some 5th grade library leaders came to help me out:

Talking about Sadie, she is taking a break from volleyball & getting ready to transition to winter basketball, but soccer is still going strong. Her coach held her annual Halloween practice & it doesn't matter how old the girls are, they always have fun:

Sophie is still playing soccer & football, but her seasons will be coming to an end soon:

Since she is getting older, she is having a few more sleepovers with friends, which she loves!

She also loves when her dad takes her on special dates because then they can eat all the gluten they want!

Finally, I don't have many pictures of Bryan & I, but we actually went to a gala this month & they took pictures there. Sometimes it's fun to dress up & go out:

Hope everyone has a fun & safe Halloween weekend!

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