Friday, October 28, 2022

Read-a-Thon Dance Party

As I've mentioned in earlier posts, our school ran a read-a-thon for the past month as our fall fundraiser. The girls have been doing extra reading & logging their minutes all month long. As part of the fundraiser, we adopted some of our school support team in their name. Sophie adopted our new librarian since I volunteer in the library every week:

And Sadie adopted the cafeteria team because they do such a great job accommodating her gluten allergy:

We were supposed to wrap up their fundraiser when they exceeded their school wide goal with an obstacle run but apparently the weather did not cooperate. A cold front blew in & it rained all day so we improvised & came up with another idea instead - a dance party in the gym! Since I am on the fundraiser committee & a room mom, I got to go up there & help out, but unfortunately it was closed due to other parents. I still tried to make it fun by bringing glow sticks & yellow black out stickers to go with their field trip shirts:

Of course they carried around their class poster & I had ring pops for them also:

Then we headed straight to the gym where they danced their hearts out for a good hour or so!

It may not have been the obstacle course they were hoping for, but they had a blast running around, playing, dancing & spending the hour with their friends while it poured outside. Our music teacher set up a photo booth next door to the gym where they had fun taking pictures also:

It ended up being a fun day & I'm just glad we were able to come up with something to celebrate their success:

Later I popped in to see 3rd grade, but I didn't stay as long. It's safe to say that she may have had even more fun with her friends than Sadie because she LOVES to dance:

We are hoping to re-schedule their fun run obstacle course but at least they had fun celebrating for now!

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