Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Fall Favorites

It finally cooled down this week so we are enjoying fall as much as we can! I actually had to turn on the heater for the first time this morning because our house was so chilly! We are enjoying baking. In September I made a lot with apple & now it's pumpkin everything - over the holiday weekend I made pumpkin pancakes & pumpkin donuts:

Of course, s'mores are always good this time of the year so we tried s'more cookies:

We took the girls to the pumpkin patch while my parents were visiting:

It's not the same as when they were little & I would drive them North to the actual pumpkin patch where we would play games, go on a hay ride & literally pick our pumpkin from the field. This year we just went to the church around the corner & let the girls pick a few:

They always have fun decorating our yard & our front porch. 

Finally, we surprised the girls when we picked them up from school yesterday & took them to the state fair! We go every single year & the girls love it! It's definitely a favorite fall tradition. We always park in the same place, go in the same gate & walk the same route. Of course that starts with a Fletcher's corn dog:

We love going to the birthing barn, the petting zoo, little hands on the farm & we always take a selfie with Big Tex:

Bryan & I love to try all of the food - it's our favorite! Although it is a little harder these days. He always gets the same things & they are all fried! Thankfully their website lists all of the gluten free & there are several choices, but they are hard to find. This year Sadie & I had elote, which is basically the roasted corn on the cobb, but they put it in a cup & add a few things to make it taste even better! Last year we had sausage on a stick, but this year we tried porky's piggies, which was sausage, wrapped in bacon & drizzled in a sweet bbq sauce. It was SO good!

The girls' favorite part of the night is the midway - games & rides! We talked them out of the games last night (what a waste of money!) but they each rode a few rides. Sadie went with Bryan & did some of the crazy ones that spin & go upside down. After last year, Sophie is obsessed with the big ferris wheel, so I went with her:

The sun was setting when we were up there so it was chilly but we had a beautiful view of the sun setting over downtown:

It was a long line for the ferris wheel so Sophie didn't get to ride as many rides as Sadie, but she did the big slide & then we all met back up & got dessert before we headed home. Again, Bryan had his favorite, funnel cake, but Sadie & I had to find gluten free so we found an ice cream stand that served soft serve with lots of crazy toppings. We enjoyed our sundaes while Sophie got a Fanta Float:

It was a fun evening with perfect weather! I hope we are able to continue this tradition as they get older!

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