Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Weekend Wrap Up

Now that school is back in swing, we are well into September & are past Labor Day weekend, our weekends are officially crazy. The weekend after Labor Day is when it all seems to kick off & this past weekend was no different. Friday night Sadie had 2 volleyball games at Frisco Flyers & the girls invited friends to spend the night with us. We had dinner before the games:

And ice cream afterwards:

Thank goodness we got to sleep in Saturday morning because then the rest of the day got crazy. First up, Sophie's soccer game. The Twinkle Toes are back in action with Bryan coaching:

We got to go home for about an hour & watch some of the Texas/Alabama game before it was time to head out for our next game. This time it was our first FFL football game so Sophie cheered:

The girls have been practicing hard for the past month for their halftime performance & they rocked it! Honestly, they surprised me & did much better than I anticipated. We played the Bears, who have been a squad as long as we have so the girls had fun playing with their team in the 3rd quarter & we even saw our friend, Klara, from church:

We went straight from her game to South Dallas for Sadie's soccer game. I didn't take any pictures but they won & Sophie had fun playing with all of the siblings:

Sunday morning we went to church. Fun fact - Bryan preaches the lesson in children's church now once or twice a month, so he did that while I volunteered in the children's office. Again, we went straight from that to another soccer game in Richardson for Sadie. We are all over the place with that girl! 

We came home briefly to change clothes & then we met at the ice skating rink for a special girl scout outing with their friends. I didn't make it home with any pictures of them ice skating but I did catch them enjoying their cupcakes & hot chocolate:

By the time we got home I was exhausted & ready for everyone to get to bed, but I am on the planning committee for our fall fundraiser, which is a readathon this year so they asked if the girls would take a few videos & pictures of them reading & talking about the readathon. They had too much fun & the blooper videos are hilarious!

September & October are always the busiest months of the year for us. For some reason, fall is busy! I have a feeling this will be a typical weekend for us going forward. 6 games (thankfully spread out Friday - Sunday), church, college football & some sort of birthday party or extra activity thrown in there somewhere. Whew - I am exhausted just thinking about it!

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