Friday, September 9, 2022

Labor Day Weekend 2022

We had a busy Labor Day weekend so it took me a while to get caught up at home & post about it. The girls were out of school on Friday & Monday and Sadie had a soccer tournament in San Antonio, so we had a fun weekend away! We did not want to make the drive to San Antonio on a holiday weekend so we flew on Friday morning:

This was her first official out of town tournament for soccer & I have a feeling it won't be her last! When we checked in at the hotel, their team manager organized gifts for each of the girls:

They had shoe bags to carry their cleats in full of snacks for the weekend. Their team manager even had hers ready to go with gluten free goodies!

We stayed on the riverwalk & met up with another family who came in town early so we could explore:

We went to the Alamo, which the girls have been to before when they were younger, but of course they didn't remember so it was fun to go again:

My parents drove in that afternoon so they met up with us at the Alamo also:

This picture cracks me up because we went in to the store & museum and while most of the other kids were running around shopping for souvenirs, Sadie found a book & was reading in the corner. Ha! She LOVES to read & is very inquisitive:

The kids were obsessed with Davey Crockett - the song & his hat:

Later that evening, we went to dinner on the riverwalk with our friends & then we met back up with the team at the hotel. They had a team meeting at 9:00 & then a 9:30 bedtime. 

The next morning the girls were up bright & early, ready to play:

Their coach gave them a schedule for the entire weekend so the girls had every single meal together, starting with a team breakfast:

They won their first game, pretty easily:

and then headed back to the hotel for a team lunch, Chick Fil A by the pool & then they rested that afternoon before it was time to head back out again:

They easily won their 2nd game Saturday afternoon & since it was a Saturday & opening day of college football, our family was dressed in orange & ready to watch the Longhorns play Saturday night:

They were playing soccer in North San Antonio, so since it was only about an hour away from Austin, Bryan, my Dad & I jumped in the car and made the quick trip to Austin:

How could we be that close & not go?! We got there a little early to shop at the Co-op and we had a special place to visit:

The girls & I bought Bryan a brick for his 45th birthday & it is laid by the alumni center, right by the stadium. This was our first trip back to Austin since we gave it to him this summer so we hadn't seen it yet! He graduated with a Bachelor of Journalism Degree in 1999. I told our friends that we were doing it so they bought one also & who knew that their brick would literally be right by ours?!

I think it will be a fun tradition to come visit every time we are on campus!

The game was perfect since it was at 7:00 that night. It had rained that afternoon & kind of cooled off for game time:

We even found certified gluten free nachos for me so snack on. Who knew?!

It was a blow out & we won 52-10 but we had so much fun being at a game again!

Meanwhile, back in Austin, my mom took Sophie out to eat while the team had dinner at Iron Cactus. From what I hear, it may have been a crazy night with all of these girls & their families:

Sunday morning the girls got to sleep in a little later but after their team breakfast, they had a game around lunchtime, which they dominated, again:

After 3 straight wins, they secured their spot in the championship game, which wasn't until Monday morning so we went back to the hotel & hung out that afternoon. We found a city park that had a play ground, food trucks & splash pad within walking distance, so we spent Sunday afternoon there letting the kids play while the parents visited:

One of the parents loaded up several girls & took them to go get ice cream while we walked back to our hotel on the river walk. We might have stopped for ice cream also, even though the kids weren't with us!

That night they ordered pizza & the girls had a team dinner at the hotel. Monday morning, we were up early & ready to go. We traveled with Coach T's 2012 team & they made the championship game also so we went early to watch their team play (which they won!) and then our game was at 10:30. No surprise, the girls dominated, AGAIN! It was a shut out, in fact, they weren't scored on all weekend. I will humbly brag that these girls played amazing this weekend. I mean they only play 9 v 9 but they played up a year in a U13 bracket when they are only U12 and they won all 4 games & the entire tournament playing older girls in 11 v 11! It was so fun to watch them play together & they are really meshing well together as a team this year, better than we have ever seen.

The girls played so well, that they were invited to play in a tournament in Las Vegas for Memorial Day! Not only that, but all of the tournament fees would be paid for, so all we are out is travel expenses. Are you kidding me? Our 10 & 11 year old girls?!

After we celebrated, we treated the girls to snow cones & then we all had to get on the road to head back home:

Originally, we thought our championship game would be at 9:00 so we had booked a 12:00 flight, honestly, not thinking they would even last that long in the tournament since they played up. Needless to say we got to the airport right at 12:00 as our flight was leaving. We flew stand by for the next flight, but it became clear that is was a holiday & the flights were sold out, so I had a feeling it would be a long day sitting at the airport waiting for a flight that all 4 of us could get on, so we ended renting a car & making the drive home instead:

We could have made it a quick trip, instead, we stopped for lunch in Austin & then the girls wanted to drive through campus & see Dad's brick also:

We didn't get home until 10:30 that night so it ended up being a long day, but at least we made a fun road trip out of it. By the time we got back to Dallas, we still had to fill up the rental car with gas, turn it in & pick up his car from the airport. The girls were exhausted & both passed out by the time we made it home:

All in all, we had a fun weekend, Sadie had a blast for her first out of town tournament with her friends, the girls played awesome & it sounds like next time we are flying to Vegas to do it all over again! I say it all the time, but I am really looking forward to watching these girls play this season to see how they do. Go Renegades!

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