Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Business Trip to Austin

Bryan has started traveling more for work & since the girls are back in school, I decided to sneak off with him last week to Austin. We love Austin, but most of the time we are there, it is for a quick trip on the weekend for football or with the girls so it was fun to have a few days there just the 2 of us. We stayed downtown & he took me to 2 of their offices:

I was able to have breakfast & lunch with him, while I "worked" myself or read. Then I snuck out & ran errands in town. Let's be honest, I was shopping! I had fun going to the Co-op on campus & not shopping in a hurry or with a game day crowd! I also had fun walking around campus with school in session. It was definitely good sight seeing! 

The first night we were there we met up with friends who live there. They are actually Bryan's friends from California & recently moved to Texas so we hadn't seen them in years. It was great catching up & I'm mad I didn't take a picture with them!

But the next night is the real reason I tagged along. We took a client & his wife to dinner then we all went to the new Moody Center to see Michael Buble!

You know I am obsessed with him! His concerts are so fun & always entertaining. We saw him in Vegas in April & I was disappointed but this time he made up for that! We also loved the new Moody Center - it is beautiful & we can't wait to go back & see a basketball game here. I mean check out the chairs:

Our tickets were in the Indeed Club & we went with several of Bryan's clients & co-workers:

I don't think a few of them thought much of Buble & didn't have high expectations, but I think they walked away pleasantly surprised!

After the concert, I talked Bryan into trying a new place on campus:

We discovered it after the football game a few weeks ago when we saw a line out the door & down the sidewalk. They serve hot & fresh cookies until 1:00 - 2:00 in the morning. They even have ice cream so if you want more than a hot cookie, you can make an ice cream sandwich, which is what Bryan did:

All of their ice cream either had gluten or had been contaminated, so I couldn't indulge in a sandwich, but I sure tried their gf cookie hot out of the oven & it was delicious!

The next day, we had to come home, but we sure had a great trip! I always enjoy sneaking away with him, even for a few days & even if he is working! If it was up to him & we didn't have kids, I think he would have me tag along on all of his work trips:

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