Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Weekend Wrap Up

We all know the girls started school last week but so did our busy weekends! Whew - I mean I was exhausted! I hope they slow down a little or I get used to it again. We'll start with Friday. Bryan had carpal tunnel surgery so I spent the day with him while the girls were at school:

It was a pretty quick & easy surgery but he definitely has to take it easy the next 2 weeks while it recovers. Since he hadn't eaten since the night before & was pretty doped up from his anesthesia, he felt like going out to eat with friends before Sadie's volleyball games:

Yep, Sadie is playing competitive volleyball at Frisco Flyers again & has 2 games every Friday night so we pretty much have a standing dinner date with our friends since their daughter plays also. 

Saturday morning we woke up & headed to soccer. Sadie's team played in the Sports Classic Tournament over the weekend & she had 2 games. In between games, we headed to cheer camp. I haven't really blogged about that yet but cheer season has officially started so we had Mustang camp to teach the girls their half time routine:

Sophie lucked out & instead of heading back to the soccer field with us, she got invited to a Back to School Bash at her friend's church. By the looks of things, she had a better time than we did in the heat:

Afterwards, she went home with Kate & got to hang out until we picked her up. Again, I think she had more fun walking Darby than sitting at a hot soccer field with us!

The next morning we were up early for church because since Sadie is in 5th grade, she gets to serve with the Serve Squad:

She was so excited to be old enough to volunteer but also she was excited to get to do it with a few of her friends! Of course, we had to leave early to head back out to soccer. Of course. Saturday was hot, but Sunday was worse. Way worse. I don't know what the official high was, but it was 102 when we finally left later that evening. Sweet Sophie lucked out again & got to skip her early game to head to a birthday party after church:

It was a circus themed party & Sophie had so much fun! She was not happy afterwards because instead of going home, our friends dropped her off at the soccer field. Again. Are you noticing a pattern? Sadie's team played 5 games this weekend & they did amazing! Her age group is technically 9 v 9 & they move to 11 v 11 next year, but her coach is having them play all of their tournaments in a 11 v 11 format, which means longer halves & a bigger field. Thank goodness she conditioned them this summer with all that training because these girls were ready & they did so much better than we ever imagined. Coach T had all of her teams make it to the championship game, in fact, her 2011 & 2012's played at the exact same time on the field next to each other so she was able to run back & forth & coach both. Unfortunately, our girls played their hearts out, but we lost in double overtime. We played the same team earlier in the day & we beat them 3-2 but this time they were ready with a vengeance. We were tied 2-2 & they scored at the very end of our 2nd overtime. It was heart breaking:

But the girls played awesome, especially considering it was their first 11 v 11 game they had ever played & this was their first game with 4 new players on the team. A few more soccer facts I have to record, this was officially the first time the girls can head the ball, and Sadie did! Oh my, it's so scary but she was one of the few girls who did it all weekend & she was a natural at it! Also, Sadie scored! She is a defender & plays left back so most of our goals are scored by one of our forwards up front. But one of Coach T's goals for Sadie was to learn how to attack the ball in the back, steal it, dribble it up the side straight to the goal & she did! She had the most beautiful shot on goal from the outside left corner! I mean, she has scored before, but I will always remember this goal in her first 11 v 11 game!

Poor girl - look at her bright, red face! I always worry about her because her eyes are so light blue & her skin is so fair & she spends so much time playing soccer outside. I keep sunscreen in her bag & she wears it every day she is out there, but she still gets a lot of sun. And let's be honest, she plays her little heart out so her face is also red from heat. But it was worth it to see the girls celebrate with their individual medals & team trophy:

We have another tournament next weekend so fingers crossed we will be celebrating 1st place instead of 2nd place - those girls deserve it!

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