Thursday, August 11, 2022

First Day of School - 3rd & 5th Grade

The girls officially went back to school & they were ready! Sadie knew exactly what she wanted to wear for her first day of 5th grade & she asked me to take her to Athleta Girl. No surprise there, but I was surprised when she picked out a skirt to wear! 

We looked everywhere for Sophie & she just couldn't find the right outfit. Although, it's a little harder for her because she is tall but she is so skinny. Then one day, she just announced that she was wearing the outfit Sadie wore 2 years ago for her first day of 3rd grade:

Wasn't that so sweet! It was a hand me down I had passed on but she hadn't really worn it yet & she was so excited. We curled both of their hair also so they were ready for their first day:

We got invited to a donut party before school that was mostly Sophie's friends, but there were a few older siblings there that were Sadie's age too:

They live close to the school so we all walked together to drop them off. It was kind of sad walking them in because it didn't hit me until then that it would be our last time walking them into elementary together. Next year Sophie will be going early to elementary while Sadie is walking next door later to the middle school:

Unlike years' past where the school was closed, it was actually open to parents' this year so we got to walk them to their classroom. We took Sadie first since it is her final year:

She politely asked us to not come inside. Ha! Sophie was quite the opposite - when we walked her to her pod, she wanted us to come in & take a picture of her at her seat & we got to talk to all of her friends:

They both had a great first day at school & were all smiles when I picked them up. They are actually walkers & they walk to the corner to meet me & since it was 100+ yesterday, I had a surprise for them when they got home - we made home ice cream! We made a simple vanilla & then threw in chopped butterfinger & it was awesome! A perfect way to celebrate their first day.

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