Friday, August 19, 2022

FFL Cheer, Mustangs 2022

I briefly mentioned that Sophie had Mustang camp last weekend but they have actually been in cheer mode for the past few weeks! The week before school started we threw a pool party at our house to kick off the season. We have 13 girls this season, 9 are returning & 4 are new, but most of them already knew each other. We kept it simple & ordered pizza & had a cookie cake. And I used some of our cheer gear to decorate:

The girls spent just as much time on the trampoline practicing their tumbling as they did in the pool swimming:

It was a fun way to get the girls together & get them excited for the upcoming season:

The weekend before school started, they had their big FFL camp for all of the youth cheerleaders:

It's their first time to wear their camp outfit & all of their new gear so it's fun to see all of the teams & what they picked out this year:

Our main coach tested positive right before camp & wasn't able to go so I was lucky enough to run camp by myself. Thankfully the girls are older so they are better behaved & since they have done this a few times, they know what to expect:

Several of our girls, including Sophie, take tumbling at this facility so they were so excited to see one of their teachers, Miss Ashley:

They work on motions, jumps, stunts, then they learn 2 cheers & a mini dance. Throughout the day, they pass out ribbons for each category & I was so proud that Sophie received our first individual ribbon for being a team leader:

We had an awesome helper assigned to our squad who just graduated from high school & is going to Arkansas in the fall whose name was Brielle. The girls loved her!

Of course they always have fun seeing their friends on other squads too:

The parents always come at the end so the squads can perform & our girls did GREAT! I mean I was kind of shocked how good they did. I actually had several other parents & coaches come up to me & tell me how in synch our girls were:

Afterwards we went with friends to celebrate with fro yo at Chiller Bee:

Besides our pool party, FFL camp & Mustang camp, we have already started weekly practices as well. We have a full month to get ready before their first game after Labor Day & I have no doubt these girls will be ready!

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