Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Back to School

Even though it is still 100+ outside, the girls & I have spent the past week getting ready for back to school! The girls cleaned out their closets, their dresser drawers, their bedrooms & their game room. I mean seriously, sometimes when we stop to clean we realize how ridiculously spoiled these girls are. Do they really need anymore shoes?!

 And you should have seen how many random t-shirts we donated.......

We made hair appointments for both of the girls so they could start the year off fresh:

Sadie just got a trim & wanted double braids when she left but Sophie cut about 3-4 inches off & she wanted it curled when she left.

Both of the girls saved their gift cards & they got back to school money from their grand parents, so they spent it on getting dipped nails. I took Sadie one afternoon when she had time in her schedule:

Sophie got invited to go with her friend:

The 5th graders met up at our school park for donuts - I was surprised to see how many of their friends made it!

Finally, we had Meet the Teacher! Both of the girls were excited to see who their teacher was & what friends were in their class. Sadie has never been with her BFF since pre-school - literally in 5 years they have never been in the same class, until NOW! They were beyond excited to finally spend their final year of elementary school together. Their teacher is Mrs. Ringstaff:

And Sophie has Mrs. Sanchez this year:

I think the girls are ready for their final year of elementary together!

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