Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Summer Splash 2022

Last year Sadie's team played in the Summer Splash soccer tournament & they played awesome! They had a major victory in the semi finals & then had a heartbreaking loss in the championship game so they redeemed themselves this year. We played this past weekend & honestly, we didn't think the rain would hold out, but it did. We had 100% chance starting Saturday night into Sunday & we never saw a drop until Monday morning. The better news is that it was cloudy & so much cooler than our tournament the weekend before! One of the parents brought their new puppies so Sophie had a blast playing with them:

Someone took a mom & dad picture - randomly, we always have pictures of the girls but never of their parents sitting on the sideline:

Honestly, these families are a lot of the reason we are still on the same team 4 years later - they are fantastic! One of the moms brought her camera out & took pictures during the tournament so I love action shots of my girl:

That last picture doesn't show much but I am glad she showed it because since she plays defender in the back, she make a lot of throw ins. And you wouldn't think a lot about that, but she throws really well, especially for her size. That is one area she really focused on & excels at. But my absolute favorite trait of hers is her leadership out on the field. That girl talks a lot, encourages her team mates & is the best at cheering them on & supporting them, especially when they score!

The girls won both of their games on Saturday & 3 games on Sunday, yep, the semi finals & the championship! Not only did they win the championship game, they dominated! They actually won 5-1! We got a few new players on our team this year & they have all meshed really well. They are fast, they are spreading out & passing a lot - it's a whole new ball game with this group of girls & it is fun! They had a little downtime between the semi & the final so the girls had fun relaxing & snacking between games:

Championship games are always fun because everyone comes - siblings, grand parents, other teams, etc. Tareyn coaches several teams so their slogan this year is Coach T's Tribes & they showed up! In fact, most of her 2012 came out to support the girls & it was fun hearing them cheer on the sideline:

After their win, we had fun celebrating & taking lots of pictures with the girls:

It was a fun weekend & I am so incredibly proud of these girls! We have 1 more big tournament over Labor Day before their regular fall league starts in September. I think it's going to be a fun season with this group of girls & their families!

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