Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Summer Wrap Up

Summer is officially over so here is our last photo dump of random pictures from our summer together! 

We try to bake/cook/create as much as possible. We made everything from home made gummy bears, jello, pudding, ice cream, smoothies & so much more:

We had a TON of play dates & swim parties:

We even met up with friends at a water park:

Lots of dining al fresco:

Sports are always year round:

Since Sadie is old enough to work out at the gym with us, I brought her to one of my classes - High Fitness & she rocked it!

Our church had outdoor movie nights with cool treats so we took the girls one night & lucked out it was a perfect evening with Steel City Pops:

Lots of slumber parties & sleepovers. I mean LOTS. The most our little family has ever had:

Finally, we took a quick trip home to surprise my sister for her 40th birthday!

Her husband was out of town for work, her kids were gone as well, so Bryan stayed at home to work while we had a girl's day. Lunch, pedicures & movie night:

It was the perfect day getting to spend time with my mom & my sister. I'm so glad we live close enough to make quick trips like this happen. 

It was a fun but fast summer. I love having older children now who can stay up late, sleep in the next morning & are always ready to go. They love to entertain as much as their parents do! But as much as we loved our carefree summer, I think we are all ready for the structure of back to school & the routine that comes with it. 

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