Friday, June 24, 2022

Life Lately - June

Where did June go? Seriously, summer is flying by. I have told so many people that this has been one of my favorite summers so far because the girls are older so it is a lot easier. They stay up later, they sleep in later, they play independently, we have friends over all the time - it's awesome! But since they are older, they are also just as busy. I feel like the monotony of the school year has just continued. Sophie is playing summer volleyball, basketball & doing private tumbling lessons while Sadie is playing summer volleyball, soccer & doing private soccer training on top of her club training. Between the both of them, we have multiple practices &/or games every single night. It is exhausting! Thankfully I did not really sign them up for many camps this year so we could sleep in & enjoy our days since our afternoons & evening are so busy.

We started our month with Sophie's last girl scout event - a pool party! Even siblings were invited:

We have swam. A lot. Like more than normal I feel like. When the girls did swim team, they swam so much at practice they never wanted to swim at home, but now that they are older, more independent & it's still the begininning of summer, they can't swim enough!

We had a lot of friends over after VBS so of course when friends are over, that means picnic lunches & lots of popsicles also:

Sophie got invited to a pool party at Stonebriar one afternoon with her friends:

When Zoe was with us, we just pretended like she was one of our own children & she just went along to all of the practices & got to participate also. Her & Sadie helped Bryan at basketball & then she practiced with Sophie's volleyball team:

We let the girls stay up late every night & binge watch Saved By The Bell - that's our new family show this summer:

One afternoon we went shopping at Target & Sophie used her own gift card to buy all 3 of them matching BFF bracelets. Cousin power!

Sophie got invited to a sleepover so those are always more fun in the summer:

After our week at VBS, we got invited to another local VBS in town. This time I didn't volunteer so I got to enjoy a few hours to myself every day while they were gone. Even better? They went with a few other girls in our neighborhood so we did a carpool & I didn't have to drive to drop them off or pick them up most days. Woo-hoo for carpool!

I just happened to know Sadie's teacher so she sent me a few extra pictures throughout the week:

After this VBS, the girls got invited to volleyball camp at a friend's house. They are both in middle school & play club volleyball so they ran a clinic for the younger girls:

It was pretty hot out there, like 100+ degrees, so they might have taken a few snack breaks inside:

Clearly these girls are enjoying summer so far & it's only getting better! We have a few more exciting things coming soon!

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