Monday, June 27, 2022

Sky Ranch, Set Sail

Last week was the week - one of the weeks the girls look forward to all year long - Sky Ranch! The girls always go session 4, which means we drop off on Sunday, which is also Father's Day. We were able to go to early service at church, brunch & then we got on the road & headed towards East Texas. Of course, we always make 1 stop along the way:

The girls were so proud they decorated the car themselves this year & since the theme was Set Sail, they drew sailboats on the back & in this picture, they are acting like sailors. Ha! We met up with Sophie's BFF at Bucee's & then followed each other the rest of the way, so of course we had to stop for picture as soon as we drove in:

It never gets old seeing the Sky sign! Of course we took a few pictures with Dad for Father's Day:

Finally, we drove in, dropped off their trunks & hitched a ride on the wagon to their cabins:

First stop, Baby Ruth! This was Sophie's cabin & she was so excited because Sadie had this cabin before also:

Next stop, The Loft!

Sadie was going by herself this year, but surprisingly, a girl on her soccer team & a girl from her school were in her cabin, so she was pumped! Also, there were a few girls who she knew from years prior. 

After that, Bryan & I took off but of course they are so good about sharing pictures twice a day. They always post pictures from their day activities & then again from their theme night parties. This is where it is picture overload, but I get so excited seeing their smiling faces all week while they are gone:

Lots of group pictures - can you spot Sadie & Sophie somewhere in there?!

Sadie's cabin spent a lot of time with their brother cabin this year, Jolo, which was fun because there were a few boys from school there. We knew they would be there but she had fun playing with them at camp!

As you can see, this year's theme nights were Space Race, Under the Sea, Let's Glow Girl, Rodeo & We Are Family! We didn't know how to dress for family night & then the girls decided they would dress as each other, so Sophie was a Renegades club soccer player & Sadie was a Mustangs cheerleader. I am sure no one there got it, but I thought it was awesome!

On Saturday morning we drove back to pick them up. After 2 years of Covid, they finally let them have a Closing Show again, so it was fun to see everyone together doing their chants, dancing around, & watching their video for the week. Afterwards, we got to pick them up from their counselors:

We had a fun morning seeing so many families & friends from along the way! I mean randomly, we saw a fraternity brother of Bryan with his family, who lives in Frisco & we had no idea their children came to camp there. Also, Bryan & I went to parent camp & while we were sailing in Grand Cayman, we met another family who live in Frisco & their daughter was at camp there also. I mean Small World! After meeting them, we randomly saw them again picking up our children. 

The girls had an amazing week. It's such a great week to reconnect with old friends, meet new friends, go on adventures (did you see all of the pictures of the pools, slides, tree houses, ziplines, lake, etc?!) & learn about the Lord! This was Sadie's 6th year (4th year overnight, 2 years at day camp) and Sophie's 4th year (2nd overnight, 2 years at day camp). It will definitely be a tradition we will continue throughout their childhood!

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