Saturday, June 18, 2022

VBS 2022: Spark Studio

Last week was one of our favorite weeks of summer - vacation bible school! We literally plan our schedule around it every year. Last year Jamie & I directed 3rd grade with our older kids so this year we moved down to 2nd grade with Sophie's grade. We also had a special visitor - Zoe!

She spent the entire week with us so the girls had fun having her around all week! We have lots of pictures of Sophie & her friends because I was around them more & lots of moms shared them:

The girls had a lot of friends from school there! I got a few pictures from Sadie's crew also:

Their favorite part of every day? Rec & snack time! Especially when recreation was outside & they got soaking wet:

We had a fantastic group of volunteers & could not have done it without all of their help:

It was a long & tiring week, but we had so much fun. It was extra special getting to enjoy it with Zoe also - we are so glad she got to spend the week with us!

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