Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Twinkle Toes, Spring 2022

As the end of the school wraps up, so is our spring activities. After a fun spring season, Sophie's soccer season came to an end. She has been playing with the same team since she was 3, with Bryan coaching:

She played goal keeper half of the time & played the field the other half:

I think she has a love-hate relationship with being goalie - sometimes she likes it & sometimes she doesn't, but she looks sharp in her goalie jersey & gloves! And she shares the role with one of her besties:

They got matching jerseys for Christmas. And when one of them wasn't there or we needed a 3rd goalie, their other friend jumped right in:

Here are some other fun photos from the season:

They had their best season so far & Bryan said it was his most fun season as well! They really improved throughout the season & were fun to watch. We celebrated their final game & win by going to dinner after their final game:

I'm so glad Sophie loves the sport & has fun playing with her friends, even though she doesn't play as competitively as Sadie. At least that allows her time to do other sports & activities as well. 

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